Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Working @ home

How fun is that? Lol. Coming home from a day of design, and working on design. What can you do, sometimes you got to suck it up and just do it. I was working on our E&P Designs website. I was adding new MetaTags and Keywords and a description to help when people search for us, or even visit our site. I also change the horrific splash page that I had for I have to finish our portfolio and also need to start working on my personal site now. Hopefully, I'll get motiviated like I did today to do this more often. Guess we'll see!


Alan Varah said...

LOL dude that's just like me I've been shirking my blogging duties... but I have an excuse kinda... I get up at 4 in the morn... LOL

Silly Monkey said...

Right.... no excuses! Old man!