Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3 Miles

That's what we're working up to. Erin wants to run a fun run in April and it's about 3 miles long. So now we're trying to jog that much. Last night was our first night. It was going great until the cold air got to me. My throat and nostrils were burning so much, and it started getting to my chest. I finally had to stop. We made about 1.7 miles. Not too bad for our first time out and not having jogged for a while. I feel pretty good about myself. I'm thinking if the cold air hadn't got to me, I would have gone a bit further. Probably not the whole 3 miles, but further than what I did. I'm not excited about the fun run, cause I really don't know what to expect from it, but I am excited about having a goal. I think that's basically Erin's idea from it anyway. So hopefully this can get me to focus on a final goal and help me exercise and get in shape as well.

Monday, January 25, 2010

District 9 Gave Me An Upset Stomach

Well, not really. This weekend was pretty nice. Got our new living room set. Now our living actually looks like... well... a living room. Also watched District 9. Must say it was quite disappointing. I guess it's because I was expecting something like "Independence Day" and I more like "E.T.". Whatever. Then I also watched "12 Rounds". Good action, corny lines. I guess you could expect that from a WWE association. Saturday night I had some sort of stomach virus hit me. I was up till about 4AM with it and finally was able to get some sleep. I missed church the next day, unfortunately. I was feeling better about mid day or so, and thankfully it's all gone now. I pretty much played video games for the most part of Sunday along with watching the Colts vs Jets game. Interested in seeing what the Super Bowl will be like this year. Both teams would be okay in my book for winning. I guess I just hope it's an exciting game.

Bout to head home. Erin and I will be starting our training for a fun run she wants to do that's about 3 miles long. I am just looking for something to focus on and get me closer to my goal.

Friday, January 22, 2010


I can literally barely keep my eyes open. I was walking around at Katy Mills mall earlier and my knees would weaken and I would lose my balance for a quick second. This week has really wore me down. I wanted to come home and work out, but by the time I got back from the mall with Erin, I was too tired. I hate missing days like that, it's only going to me that much longer to reach my goal.

Watching "Julia & Juliet" right now. Well, it's on, and I'm halfway paying attention to it. Erin's watching it. Just sitting here thinking about all the stuff that I want to do, and I'm not doing anything. Working on my website, organizing and backing up all my photos, doing my 3D tutorials...... anything but this. In all honesty, I can't seem to just get up off this couch to do anything. I was supposed to go tomorrow to get my FREE oil change, but I just want to sleep in. I think I'll be making that trip next Saturday.