Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Shouldn't have...... but I did anyway.

Yup, you guessed it. Just ate a Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger from Jack In The Box. I know, I know.... shame on me. Whatever. I was good so shush it!


Alan Varah said...

Ahh man, that's another one too... Sometimes you just need the grease bro...

It's okay though I've been swimming around a lot lately... lol!

Silly Monkey said...

Tell me about it. If only that stuff was good for your body. I'd be the healthiest person in the world!!!

Alan Varah said...

Dude I couldn't live without it for sure... When I tried to go vegan it just wasn't working... lots of acid reflux for some reason... NEED MEAT!!!

I usually have a response when people say that I'm pretty good sized for an asian... "Hey I didn't get this way by being a vegitarian!!!"

Silly Monkey said...

Lol. Yeah, I know what you mean. There's no way I could be a vegetarian, man. I'd go nuts. I love meat too much.