Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm In Da Cube!!!

So yesterday they finished putting up our new cubicle at work. "What's so special about a cubicle"? Well, my friends, we were on a table before. Not the most "creative" space you could be at. Now we have a cubicle where we can put our stuff at, and put up our work on our walls. I'm excited. It does give us more privacy than before, but that's not that big of a deal. I'm just glad to have space now. Actual personal space. Very nice!

So last night, I was flipping through stations, and I'm proud to say that I avoided going to TruTV. It was hard, but I did it. Instead, I was watching The Girls Next Door. I wonder what's going to happen to that show. I'm sure they might just find another set of girls, but will they cut it?

We took our little cat, Cammy into the vet to get fixed. Poor little baby. Spike, our other cat, was a bit confused this morning. Luckily, she'll only be in there for the day. Erin will pick her up on her way back from work. I know she'll be a bit weird for the first few days back from that. But I'm sure she'll just be glad to be home again.


gingergirl53 said...

ohh...poor baby girl... :(

Alan Varah said...

Poor kitty! Good thing you avoided the TruTV! You'd have been up for the night!

Silly Monkey said...

Yeah, I'm glad she'll be back at home tonight.

Yes, TruTV is the DEVIL!! Not really, but still, it can be pretty bad. :)

Alan Varah said...

Dude that's me G4, History and the Military Channel. E-V-I-L!!!