Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The SOCOM itch.....

Every now and then I'll get the urge or itch to get on and play. Before last night, the last time I had played was Saturday night. I know, I know, what's the big deal. Well, for those of us who are addicted to SOCOM or any video game for that matter, we get it. Last night I got on, and I must say, it was great to get back on the battlefield. I know, my wife is probably going to come on here and say I'm a dork, but at least I know one person who's going to comment on here and say "AMEN!"


Alan Varah said...

Amen to that brother! Btw, wasn't it your wife that was yelling to us to kill you when your mic got stuck??? LMBO! That my friend was one of the best quotes from the evening!

Silly Monkey said...

Yes, that was her. Lol. Encouraging her husbands death.

gingergirl53 said...

hey! i have to be involved in the"fun" where i can! plus, i might have had to show him something...usually it's only when he's dead waiting for everyone else to die that i get e&p time... ;)

Silly Monkey said...

Right, that doesn't stop you sometimes either. Lol.

gingergirl53 said...

well, what can i say?
i've never been a very patient girl...

Alan Varah said...

LOL! It's cool! I totally enjoyed the moment just hearing on the mic...
"DO IT!!!" was funny as heck!

Silly Monkey said...

That's just because sometimes I have to cover the mic quickly. I just couldn't this time. :)

Alan Varah said...

lol! Like I said bro, classic that's why I love gaming with y'all!