Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Back In Da Cube.

Back to work for me. I've been feeling so nasty these past few days and my wife too. I'm back at work now, and even though I'm still about 60% right now, it's a lot better than where I was a couple of days back. Hopefully, this will all be gone VERY soon. I hope Erin gets better too, cause she was feeling and still is a bit.

I got word from my mom that one of my cousin's in Mexico died yesterday. Complications with surgery and other stuff, but I won't go into details. I don't like to hear my mom cry. My cousins and I from Mexico used to be a bit close when we were little and would always play when we would go visit them. Back then, it was more often cause times weren't so bad over there. I don't even remember the last time I saw him. I just pray for my aunt, who is now going to be watching over his kids. My heart and prayers go out to all of them.

I did have a little bit of time to do something productive. I actually got our site up and running. I only had a little bit to do, but it was something that was holding us back. But now I got it up. Now I just have to work on our portfolio.

Something else, I beat Resistance. I only had a few more levels to go, and I was able to finish it. Don't think I'll be getting Resistance 2 just yet. Resident Evil 5 is coming out this Friday, so I know that will be occupying my time. Maybe after that, I'll get it. But for now, I'll focus on RE5.

I will going out to take some pictures of the house today after work. Erin usually goes and does this, but today she will be at the Rodeo with her friend who invited her to go see Reba. At least I'll get a preview of what my drive home will be in the future. We'll see how that goes.

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