Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.

So I woke up around 2:30 PM. Yes, you read it correctly and no it was not a typo..... I say again.... 2:30 PM. Why? Well, for one thing I didn't go to bed till 3 AM. I was playing some Killzone 2 online. And second.... it's Saturday!!! Come on.... how many chances do we get to sleep in like that. I don't think I've slept that late since back when I was in high school. Wow. Good stuff though. Don't regret it at all.

So it's about 8:50 PM and I still haven't played my Resident Evil 5. I popped it in earlier and it was a lot of setup which almost took 20 to 30 minutes downloading... installing... then more installing.... setup..... I started cleaning and then I was like, "Forget this... I'm going to clean more". Turned it off. Hopefully, the next time I actually do want to play RE5, it'll be ready to jump in. Seriously.

Watched two movies. Max Payne and Burn After Reading. Max Payne was okay, but wasn't as good as I expected. Bad acting by Ludacris, and I've seen better from Marky Mark. And Burn After Reading should be called Burn After Watching. Horrible movie. Horrible. Don't even bother wasting time on this thing. I thought it was going to be a funny movie. Two chuckles is what came out of me. I was bored by the first 10 minutes. Three thumbs down. You catch my drift?


Alan Varah said...

Dude that's the best when you wake up all late like that! Sure you don't feel like you got anything done, but at the same time it's just marvelous!

Silly Monkey said...

Yes, it really is. Really good. I did feel like a short day, but I must say, it was totally worth sleeping in like that.

Alan Varah said...

LOL I'm sure it was! btw... did Max Payne keep saying "Say hi to your mother for me..."? LOL

Silly Monkey said...

LMAO!!! That was freaking funny man! No, he didn't keep saying that, but that was too funny. He talks like that on all his movies and I can't believe that I've never noticed that. Oh man.... he's so bad.

Alan Varah said...

LOL I never noticed that either until that skit... Although he did come on SNL afterwards and made fun of it that was pretty cool!