Friday, March 13, 2009

Resident Evil 5

That's right.... it comes out today......... whoop whoop! I've been waiting for this game since like last year when they announced it. I know, it's sad.... what can I say. I'm a gamer. I know what I'll be doing tonight..... after our tournament match of course! :)


Alan Varah said...

Guess that didn't happen bro... LOL We were killin' in da zone!!! Gettin' ShamWowed, Cloroxed and Zorbee'd! :D

Silly Monkey said...

Lol. I still haven't played it. :( It's 8:45 PM now.... still no RE5. What has this world come to!!!

Alan Varah said...

You're addicted to Zone Killin'... LOL

Silly Monkey said...

It isn't helping. Lol. And now we got WarHawk and Army of Two. Lol.